Accreditation consultant

Accreditation consultant (ISO 17065, ISO 17021 & ISO 22003):

To get a new accreditation, to maintain an already established accreditation, or to establish a new certification body.

How we can help?

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Gap Analysis

This is a systematic assessment of your current policies, procedures, documentation, personnel, systems, and client files compared to the requirements or standards for accreditation. The goal is to identify discrepancies or gaps that need to be addressed to achieve accreditation.


Internal Audits

Similar to gap analysis, internal audits involve a thorough evaluation of various aspects of your organization. These audits can uncover areas that require improvement or adjustment to meet accreditation standards.



Training plays a crucial role in ensuring that your personnel are knowledgeable and competent in meeting the requirements of the relevant accreditation scheme. This may involve providing training on specific standards, procedures, or compliance-related topics.


Developing Competence

This likely involves assessing the competence of your staff through evaluations, including one-on-one meetings with certification staff. This helps identify areas where employees may need further training or development to meet accreditation requirements.


Development of Policies, Procedures, Documentation, or Other Services

Depending on the findings from the gap analysis and internal audits, you may need to develop or update policies, procedures, and documentation to align with accreditation standards.


Facing accreditation audits

Be available there during the accreditation audits, to assist with the same.
We also offer tailored services to address specific compliance needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries and we will be happy to discuss this further with you.
It's important to note that these processes are essential for organizations seeking accreditation in various fields, organic certification, food safety management systems, or quality management. Achieving accreditation often requires a systematic approach to ensure that all aspects of the organization meet the required standards. This can enhance the organization's reputation, quality of service, and compliance with industry regulations.



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